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Live Well: Halting the Hustle

December 20, 2024


For many people, the holidays are a source of stress. Social gatherings, gift exchanges, holiday shopping, and travel can make the season feel anything but joyful.

If you are ready to halt the hustle this year and spend more time enjoying the season, you may need to make some changes to your traditional holiday routines.

Slowing down and staying present can be challenging, but it is not impossible. With a few adjustments, you can learn to say no to what steals your joy.

Here are some ways to halt the hustle this year:

  • Protect your calendar. Learn to say no with grace. Declining invitations helps protect your calendar, so you have time for what matters most.3 Blocking out space on your calendar also gives you a chance to recharge between commitments.
  • Practice deep breathing. When you feel triggered by a stressful situation, press the pause button, and do a deep breathing exercise before you respond.
  • Protect your boundaries. Be clear about what you will and will not allow from others. If someone violates your personal boundaries, remove yourself from the person or situation.
  • Nourish your body. You do not have to sacrifice holiday treats, but do not neglect healthy eating either. Your body needs nourishing foods all year long.
  • Set a budget. Decide what you are able to spend on holiday gifts and entertainment in advance, and stick to your budget. This can prevent unnecessary debt and financial stress when the new year rolls around.
  • Carve out “me time.” Neglecting self-care during the holidays can make it more difficult to manage stress. Do not put your own needs at the bottom of your holiday to-do list.

Slowing down and protecting your boundaries are important steps you can take to be more present this holiday season. Prioritize what is most meaningful to you and release the idea that you have to “do it all.” Plan ahead and decide how you will invest your time and money in advance, so you can spend more quality time to friends and family.