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Submit a practice invoice

In order to collect benefits funding for the purposes of paying midwives’ benefits premiums, each midwifery practice is required to remit monthly invoices to the Trust.

How to Name your File

  • When you download the report from the BORN Midwifery Reporting System, save the file as a Microsoft Office Excel Workbook using this naming convention:
    MPG.[MPG number].[YYYY][MM].[Secondary Fee Incentive].
  • A practice has two options as to how the benefits money relating to the Secondary Fee Incentive is allocated. If you are unsure which your practice uses, please contact us at
    A: “Billing Midwife Provider” receives benefits for Secondary Fee Incentive.
    B: “Second Midwife At Birth” receives benefits for Secondary Fee Incentive.
    If TAPA or Clerk, Billing Midwife receives benefits.

Key dates

  • 5th of the month: Deadline to upload Benefits Funding invoice to AOMBT. If the 5th falls on a statutory holiday or weekend, upload the invoice on the first business day after the 5th.
  • 15th of the month: Benefits Funding deducted from Practice Accounts
  • 6th - 20th of the month: AOMBT system is closed, and invoices can no longer be uploaded
  • 21st - 5th of the month: AOMBT system is open, and invoices can be uploaded

Missed the deadline?

In the event a deadline is missed, practices will be required to manually update their invoices the following month, to include two months of Benefits Funding.

Any practice that does not submit their monthly invoice or payment is subject to a late fee. A practice is allowed one late payment a year before the late fees are applied. For more information, review the Benefits Funding – Late or Non-Payment policy.

No billings?

If there are no billings for the month, do not submit a blank invoice. Send an email to stating, “Practice # [number] has no billings for the month of [month].”

Why did my invoice upload fail?

The most common errors that cause an invoice upload to fail are:

  • Duplicates Each invoice must be submitted only once.
  • Practice Group Discrepancy The midwife on an invoice must be a member of the practice group submitting the invoice.
  • Manually Modified Invoices Rows and/or columns must not be added or deleted manually, but must remain in the same format as downloaded from BORN. The ONLY exception to this is for the addition of Schedule P, Q, R funding).
  • Processing Month Error The invoice must be uploaded in the current processing month. Corrections or adjustments to past invoices must be processed through BORN. Contact your BORN Coordinator for assistance, before contacting the AOMBT.

Need more help? View or download the detailed demo or email For more administrative actions, including information on Interpractice Care Agreements, billing workbooks, and fee schedules, login to Managing your practice.