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Welcome new non-Trustee Committee Members
October 1, 2024
The AOM Benefits Trust recognizes and values that our membership is a diverse group of people with a range of different perspectives, ideas, and experiences. Ensuring that the composition of our standing committees reflects that diversity, last winter, we invited members to contribute to the strategic oversight of Trust business by applying for non-Trustee committee positions.
We are pleased to announce the appointment Yuefang Liu (RM, Thames Valley Midwives) on our Equity and Governance Committee, and Mel Hartzell (RM, Quality & Risk Management Specialist, AOM) on our Member Services Committee.
Yuefang Liu, RM, brings her experiences working with diverse midwives as well as her own perspective to ensure that the voices and concerns of individuals from diverse backgrounds are considered in decision-making processes. She has experience in analyzing financial reports and preparing budgets, through participating in practice budgeting and audits, as well as collaborating with various stakeholders, including third-party such as TPA.
Mel Hartzell, RM, was an active practice midwife for 4 years before joining the AOM staff team where over 15 years she has worked to support our shared membership through a variety of roles, finding her home as Quality and Risk Management (QRM) Specialist supporting midwives through critical incident management, violence, harassment and discrimination, systemic oppression, and working with disability.
Welcome Mel and Yuefang!